Saturday, 10 August 2013

"why ON EARTH does it matter what happened LONG AGO??!!!!!!?????"

"why ON EARTH does it matter what happened LONG AGO??!!!!!!?????"

 All those  who are happily nodding your heads at the statement...Wait a second . Go back and read it again It is not a statement,but a question (You know,one with a question mark and all ) A question which has got a great history. A question that every historian in his/her lifetime had to encounter at least thrice !!!!  All this while this question had it's unrivaled seat in the TOP 100 UNANSWERABLE QUESTIONS.Well now ! I would like to strip it off that status. For this article is an answer to this very question.

For many a people, young or old, male or female, employed or happily jobless.HISTORY is a dead subject.
IT is synonymous with  soul sapping lists of facts and dates and all of these supposed-FORD fans exclaim in unison .."HISTORY IS BUNK" . I would only ask these FORD-ians to check history to find out the fact about this overly-twisted statement of FORD. For the media had effectively swallowed the "to me"'' part which followed .

Now at all those people who think history is only about things that happened ages ago. "Oh! My !! You have got it all wrong.!" Not that eons-old things aint history. But history is not just that.This very minute is history as soon as the seconds needle makes a 360 degree round !!! And still they say "History is bunk"! Huh The Irony...

Just spare it a minute's  thought . Had it not been for those defining moments in your life, the memories of which act as grim reminders of a glorious past,the very concept and worth of TODAY would be pointless.Were you to erase all memories of your past , you would be left with nothing to work on.You would be a walking machine, one devoid of the very essence of life and I can only wonder when they exclaim  "History is bunk "

All those wars fought, all those bombs dropped, all those treaties signed,all those treasures unearthed- have aided in shaping the world we see today. We all  gasp at the memory of  Hiroshima-Nagasaki .Who doesn't shudder at the bare mention of the German holocaust?  And if we are blessed to have not witnessed a third World War, we owe it to history which has taught us more about humanity than any other field of study, and still they cling onto.saying "History is bunk"

COME to think about it.We are all living, walking, talking histories.From the headgear we wear to the shoes that adorn our feet, have got HISstory to narrate .So by crying out that "History is bunk", we are reducing ourselves to rubbish. !

There are people who shoo away history saying "Tomorrow is what matters". It would do them good to realize that "There is no tomorrow, without  yesterday". Without " yesterday" to base your opinions, suspicions and stray doubts on, you cannot be sure of your purpose.You cannot neglect something, simply because it has got wrinkles and scars.Don' t we all smile at random scenes from a long-lost , yet cherished past? Admit it! We have all craved for a REWIND button .And there  lies the greatest irony when people exclaim "History is bunk " but still wait( fingers crossed) for invention of the TIME MAACHINE !!