"why ON EARTH does it matter what happened LONG AGO??!!!!!!?????"
All those who are happily nodding your heads at the statement...Wait a second . Go back and read it again It is not a statement,but a question (You know,one with a question mark and all ) A question which has got a great history. A question that every historian in his/her lifetime had to encounter at least thrice !!!! All this while this question had it's unrivaled seat in the TOP 100 UNANSWERABLE QUESTIONS.Well now ! I would like to strip it off that status. For this article is an answer to this very question.
For many a people, young or old, male or female, employed or happily jobless.HISTORY is a dead subject.
IT is synonymous with soul sapping lists of facts and dates and all of these supposed-FORD fans exclaim in unison .."HISTORY IS BUNK" . I would only ask these FORD-ians to check history to find out the fact about this overly-twisted statement of FORD. For the media had effectively swallowed the "to me"'' part which followed .
Now at all those people who think history is only about things that happened ages ago. "Oh! My !! You have got it all wrong.!" Not that eons-old things aint history. But history is not just that.This very minute is history as soon as the seconds needle makes a 360 degree round !!! And still they say "History is bunk"! Huh The Irony...
Just spare it a minute's thought . Had it not been for those defining moments in your life, the memories of which act as grim reminders of a glorious past,the very concept and worth of TODAY would be pointless.Were you to erase all memories of your past , you would be left with nothing to work on.You would be a walking machine, one devoid of the very essence of life and I can only wonder when they exclaim "History is bunk "
All those wars fought, all those bombs dropped, all those treaties signed,all those treasures unearthed- have aided in shaping the world we see today. We all gasp at the memory of Hiroshima-Nagasaki .Who doesn't shudder at the bare mention of the German holocaust? And if we are blessed to have not witnessed a third World War, we owe it to history which has taught us more about humanity than any other field of study, and still they cling onto.saying "History is bunk"
COME to think about it.We are all living, walking, talking histories.From the headgear we wear to the shoes that adorn our feet, have got HISstory to narrate .So by crying out that "History is bunk", we are reducing ourselves to rubbish. !
There are people who shoo away history saying "Tomorrow is what matters". It would do them good to realize that "There is no tomorrow, without yesterday". Without " yesterday" to base your opinions, suspicions and stray doubts on, you cannot be sure of your purpose.You cannot neglect something, simply because it has got wrinkles and scars.Don' t we all smile at random scenes from a long-lost , yet cherished past? Admit it! We have all craved for a REWIND button .And there lies the greatest irony when people exclaim "History is bunk " but still wait( fingers crossed) for invention of the TIME MAACHINE !!
Oh my.."All those who are happily nodding your heads at the statement............wait a second....!! Go back and read it again.. It is not a statement,but a question .....(you know... one with a question mark )"..Really?
ReplyDeleteSo you really haven't heard of rhetorical questions were you don't expect an answer and are effectively treated as statements?..Now now we mustn't mislead fellow bloggers in grammar should we?:)..(ALL SALUTE CAPTAIN GRAMMAR!)..
Peeking back into the article, i must say i agree with you..:)..History is no way rubbish..If you come to think of it, everything is history..:)..Science, literature, music..everything..If you have a ten minute memory..we'll you're quite screwed..:)..so you're right..:)..
But i think those who say 'Tomorrow is what matters mean to say let's not read too much into it and just focus on the present and future ':)..ciao..
Rhetorical Questions ..HMMM? Oh yeah never heard of them..thanks for the enlightenment, Oh! walking piece of history! ..... Wait a second again,Its me who posed the QUESTION and I pretty much drafted it in a question format, complete with a question mark.. and well.. I was expecting answers when I posed this particular question......Really appreciate your concern for other bloggers grammatical knowledge .... But put your concerns apart... For the entire article is an answer to the QUESTION (not rhetoric) I asked and well.. that pretty much explains it................. (ALL SALUTE WRITER'S LICENSE) .......... Well there is a fair share of the "Tomorrow is what matters " quoting crowd whICH really think knowing history is a waste of time as it serves no greater purpose than whiling away time... Soo my comment was aimed at them..........Unless you belong to thaT part of the crowd, you need not worry :)
ReplyDeleteAgain "walking piece of history".."writer's license"...My dear..:?..I got you churning huh?:)..somebody doesn't know how to take a joke:P..
ReplyDeleteWell..i would just like to amend my previous post a bit..You see learning history is very important indeed but it should not be mistaken with gobbling up of facts and figures like one can't reach out for it in a book(if you don't belong to that category..you needn't worry dear :P)..all i'm saying is one cannot categorize scientific discoveries as history..i.e. the explanation of benzene structure by kekule shouldn't be kept under the history shelf just because it happened a long time ago and is technically history right?.. so don't confuse learning history with learning everything(cause it happened yesterday :D)..food for thought..Now don't bicker..smile and let's talk..:)
hmmm .."somebody doesn't know how to take a joke"!!!!!!!! seriously???somebody assumes way too much .. :P
ReplyDelete"shouldn't be mistaken with gobbling up of facts and figures..." are we missing something here !! oh yeah! that is exactly what i am trying to point out in my article on which you are passing comments without understanding the whole essence....(somebody has not read the complete article i'm afraid)..i have made it clear that history is not synonymous with several soul-sapping lists of facts and dates...!!! (had it been a JAM session, i would have jammed you for plagiarism) and again "shouldn't be kept under history...ago"...... what do you think i am trying to convey through " @All those people who think history is all about things that happened ages ago..... "Oh!My!! you have got it wrong.!"
so basically you have dressed my points in a new suite !!!!!!!my chance to give you food for thought, i guess :P ...so try coming up with something new, cos for me it looks as if you just wanna debate!!! now don't feel down ....time to fling back your advice "don't bicker...smile " :P :P
Ha :)...Someone's pissed..Nice of you to be so very original with your comebacks.:P..
ReplyDelete"Well... @All those people who think history is all about things that happened ages ago..... "Oh!My!! you have got it wrong.!". Not that eons-old things aren't history.. But history is not just that...."
Do you notice the "history is not JUST that" line..meaning to say that IS history as well..
You go on to add "This very minute is history as soon as the seconds needle makes a 360 degree round....!!!!!!!! And still they say "history is bunk".....!"
Wow that's indeed history ain't it?..Way to generalize history..Studying the gone by minute would be so thrilling indeed..BUNK!.:P..
So perhaps before you accuse me of plagiarism, it would be fun to think..Just sayin...
Btw i'm just allergic to bullshit..no affinity to bickering..:P..All in good spirit k?..No don't you start flaming..But i guess for self esteem you'd hav to..:)
For self-esteem ???? Hmmm !!!!!! You know what I'm immune to bullshit ...So leave that to rest ........ First things first !!!! Hey !Homosapien .... I haven't confused "learning history with learning everything...!!" "HISTORY is not just that does mean history includes that plus a lot more" and you ask me why ?! cos that's what history is... and hmmm i am charged with "generalizing history" ..i never did make a conscious effort to... and look @ the one flinging the charge!!!!.. all in good spirit ? oh yeah!..... remember i'm immune to bullshit and false allegations.. plus i dont expect ppl to treat my word as bible for it's not meant to be .. i just expect ppl 2 think on the lines i offer!! there sure is reason why we are "homosapiens" and not "homoerectus" or "homohabilis" .. i am not flaming... :/ just amused seeing someone trying to cushion their fall.... :P
ReplyDeleteOk so let me get this straight..You first ask me to read the article and stick to your words and when i do that you go "i dont expect ppl to treat my word as bible for it's not meant to be .. i just expect ppl 2 think on the lines i offer"..That's kinda hypocritical dear..but considering you were cushioning your fall i'd assume you din't notice..But you know what it's good to have people like you who're atleast standing up and voicing their opinion..good on you, girl..:)..and homoerectus and homohabilis...really?..Just because you know these words doesn't mean you need to add them when you speak..Cause it just don't make sense..Some can see past them..i can apparently..:)..
ReplyDeleteoooooooOOOOO..!!!!!!! when exactly did i ask you to read the article????!!!!*confused* and as far as i know even in this article i am asking readers to think (it's not my fault that you choose not to see that) !!!! plus huh.... i really can't help the fact that somebody is envious of ppl knowing words which they could use (as they know it in the first place), which alas somebody's petite brain is unable to compehend!!! and "i can apparently"..seriously?!!!
ReplyDelete"oooooooOOOOO..!!!!!!! when exactly did i ask you to read the article????"
ReplyDeleteRight here:)..
"somebody has not read the complete article i'm afraid"...
Implying that i would have to read the whole article to comment on it..By the way i did read the whole thing you've written..:P..
OK first of all..i don't need to be envious of anyone who can string a few words into a sentence..:)..Oops a bit harsh huh?..Sorry..:/..
Ok..clear your head..Try to imagine me as 'NOT your mortal enemy'..Now all i was saying was that the words 'homohabilis' & 'homoerectus' do not find a place in this debate..Can you accept that, dear?..:)..
Petite brain?..Coming from a person who's only way to debate is to simply disregard any valid point made and to judge other people on the internet by her own false notions..well not impressive..:/..
So i'll let that comment slide..:)..
I haven't tagged you in as my archenemy,(though imagining you " not as my mortal enemy" might turn out to be a fallacious prospect) :P .........
ReplyDeleteI found the presence of "HOMOERECTUS" and "HOMOHABILIS' perfectly fine ... i have asked ppl to use my article as a basic food for furthur thought and i always emphasise on "MEN BEING THE SUPERIOR RACE" and "WHY ARE WE HOMOSAPIENS FOR NAME SAKE " in my articles.... I find it camouflaging with my article and comment and having explained my stand , let me add that i have no problem whatsoever if at all (obviously,you will) you find the usage quite...out-of-place!
As long as "any point made" makes sense to me... i will regard it..sorry to say, it didn't (believe me, i'm not saying it for the sake of arguing ) :(
To start with it was never a rhetoric question,and i have never had the notion of equating history with gobbling up of facts and dates...cos ...well being a history student, i know it's not that ....and the case of "homo-habilis(erectus)" is already explained.......
I wouldn't care to explain all that if i were a STUCK-UP-SNOB , who dis-regards others points for the pleasure of it!!There are a lot of ppl who think HISTORY IS DEAD ... but well i find it quite hard to digest ....and i would continue to plea my case whenever i hear the tag-line "HISTORY IS BUNK"..........
for i know its far from the truth.......
Hey sorry there..Couldn't get back to you..Something came up..
ReplyDeleteHey let's drop it..We're basically fighting bout grammar..:P..What the heck ryt?
Anyways how're you kiddo?..
Hey you know what a good article would be?Something completely out of line of your thinking..It's fun..Write bout something that's completely not you..Have fun..:)
Well then!!!!!.Who gets to define and decide the topic on which I should write and the way I should write ????????? ME !!!!!! :) And well my idea of a good article is definitely not that, though I agree it's fun (being somebody who did he her fine share of writing out-of-the-world-experiences in some other person's shoes) !!!!!!! :P ..........